June 17th Saturday we departed Astoria at 0330 anticipating crossing the Columbia River bar around low tide. 0500 found us enjoying the sunrise with a reasonably smooth motor across the bar at around 0520.
O Dark thirty headed to the Columbia River Bar |
Then we set course at 340 degrees for our journey to Grey’s Harbor. Sophie had a couple of attacks of mal de mar but carried on like a trooper. She slept a lot, as did Aiden, which is both a sea sickness preventative and restorative activity.
This sea berth comes in handy! |
Definitely Coffee Time! |

Since it was a very uneventful passage this was just fine. We had hoped to see the whales and dolphin we enjoyed in this area last year but we had to settle for two sea lions basking in the haze on a buoy outside Grey’s Harbor.
Off the Washington coast hoping for whales |
West Port marina pulling the crab pot |
We arrived an hour early for crossing the bar into Grey’s Harbor so we pulled out the head sail and sailed for awhile outside the entrance. We managed to wrap the main sail halyard around a spreader so we only used the head sail which gave us a chance to test our new furler. It works so much more nicely than our antique one did!
Comfy in the sea berth
Jim found us tied up on Dock 6. He enjoyed spending some of his time earlier beach combing and got some nice drift wood and shells. A favorite meal of grilled hotdogs was enjoyed by all on the boat then Aiden and Sophie tried their hands at crabbing and fishing. They pulled up a variety of small Dungeness and red rock crab. We downloaded a movie, hung up our little tablet so everyone could see and enjoyed the movie. After dinner we finished the movie and then hit the hay.
Entering Grey's Harbor Harnessed and Tethered!
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